
Element Dice: Luxury Metal Dice from the Periodic Table (Set of 4 Dice)

Created by Modern Awesome Labs

100% pure metal dice inspired by the periodic table of elements. Heavy metal dice that feel like no other dice you've ever held before. ORDER BELOW! (SHIPS JUNE 2020)

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Add-On Shipping error note & test batch done!:)
over 4 years ago – Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 11:12:54 PM

Hey everyone,

Thanks to everyone who has filled out the backer survey! We're getting close! 

Note: as many of you have pointed out, there is an error on the shipping charges for add-on orders. The BackerKit Survey has mixed up the new pre-order shipping fees with Kickstarter backer add-ons. You will NOT be charged shipping again for your add-on orders. Again, if you backed on the Kickstarter campagin you will not be charged for your add-on order so ignore the "shipping fees" the BackerKits survey shows when you make an add-on order. That should be fixed before payments are charged for your add-ons and the survey page should reflect that change soon:)

We are also pleased to announce that the trial batch of 100 units of each element is finished for most of the elements. We have gone ahead and given the factory the green light to proceed with mass production now so its officially in the works!!! Woo hoo!!!:)


 My friend just launched an awesome card game last week! If you love card games and poop jokes this game is for you! Check it out and throw some support his way if it looks like something you'd enjoy!

Smoke Test Survey sent, all surveys go live tomorrow!
over 4 years ago – Mon, Jun 15, 2020 at 07:52:12 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Mass production begins & shout out!
over 4 years ago – Tue, Jun 02, 2020 at 11:09:28 AM

Hey Everyone,

Thanks to everyone who took the last survey! Your feedback has been invaluable for us to determine what to focus on for future dice. Mass production is beginning on Aluminum, Copper and  Stainless steel. The Zinc & Tom dice and the aluminum stands need a couple more changes to refine their molds and CNC parameters & then mass production will begin for them soon as well. 

Also, a good friend of mine just launched another awesome campaign today! He has invented the worlds coolest and most compact pull up bar you can truely use anywhere! If thats something that interests you check it out below. Your support on day one would mean the world to him! Have a great June!  Getting excited:)

First Tin Dice sample + CNC & Laser test parameters
over 4 years ago – Mon, Jun 01, 2020 at 01:12:40 PM

Hey everyone!

Our first tin sample is ready! it looks good! One thing about tin is it is very soft... this sample is 99% tin and is fairly easy to dent if dropped from several feet. So, we are also making a harder alloy version that is 95% Tin (Sn) and 5% Sb to compare that would make it much harder and better for rolling. 

Now that we have finalized a tin sample we have everthing we need from our factories to proceed with the Backer Survey so expect a couple updates next week requesting your shipping info and some feedback requests:) 

First Tin Dice (not my thumb nail! Ha ha this picture is from a factory worker in China)

CNC Testing parameters

We have to have different factories do different elements so currently we have to have them match parameters and tools. Sending them the 3D file is not enough. They each came out looking slightly different from each different CNC factory but after this matching process they will all look the same.

Laser Engraving Test

We are finding it hard to get the sharp corners we need on the front text with cnc so we have changed to laser engraving for the front texts as it gives much cleaner and more precise text.  

Polish Tests 

Once the CNC and laser process is done we then send them to a polishing factory where any rough edges are polished off, leaving a smooth shiny surface:)

Soon our first trial order of 100 dice will be finished from each of these factories and then we will be ready to proceed with mass production! Yay! Cant wait to get these in your hands!


Team Element Dice

5th Dice Update & survey link to vote for NEXT 4 elements
over 4 years ago – Fri, May 01, 2020 at 02:24:06 AM

Hey Everyone, 

We are officially pleased to announce Tin "Sn" as the 5th dice that will be available as an add-on when we send out the backer survey here soon! The factory sample should be ready shortly. I was hoping to have an actual sample to show with this update but I didn't want to make you wait any longer without an update. See the Tin 3D file below.

I will do another update with the sample as soon as its ready!


We also need your FEEDBACK on a few other items. Since we are offering a fifth dice we have had some reach out asking it we will be offering a 5 dice stand. Please CLICK HERE and fill out this survey to let us know if you are going to be ordering the 5th dice and also if you will be wanting a 5 dice stand option as well.

We are also hard at work developing more elements that we would like to launch later this summer. Please let us know which elements you would like to see for our next campaign:) CLICK HERE or on the above survey link to put in your vote!


Team Element Dice (Modern Awesome Labs)